Publications Flyers & BrochuresAnnual ReportsPublic Documents

Flyers and Brochures

Thumbnail of Agency Brochure
Agency Services - Information sheet highlighting the programs and services available through DARS. (Main brochure) English | Spanish

Thumbnail of VR Flyer
Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Information sheet highlighting the vocational rehabilitation and employer services available through DARS.

Thumbnail of Pre-ETS Flyer
Pre-Employment Transition Services - The Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) collaborates with high school students with disabilities, their families, schools and community service providers to support transition beginning at age 14. English | Spanish

Thumbnail of Transition Services Flyer
Transition Services: Get Connected - Information sheet describing the services available to students transitioning from high school to work.

Thumbnail of Advocate Services for Commonwealth Coordinate Care Plus Members
Advocate Services for Cardinal Care members – Independent advocates are available to provide information or answer questions about Cardinal Care.

No Wrong Door rack card
No Wrong Door Virginia.
No Wrong Door Virginia makes it easier to fnd information and community resources that help you live a better life.