Pre-ETS & VR Transition Services
The Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) works together with students, youth, families, schools and community agencies and organizations to provide services that promote successful transitions from school to work and adult life. DRS offers two sets of services to help students with disabilities move from school to post-school life: pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) transition services. Learn more about these services and get connected by clicking on the links below.
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) | Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Services
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Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Pre-ETS offer students with disabilities an early start at career exploration and preparation for adult life. Beginning at age 14, students with disabilities can connect with DARS for Pre-ETS. DARS works with students, their families, their schools and community partners to enrich transition planning and support students with gaining knowledge and experiences necessary so they may make informed decisions about their future. Topics covered through Pre-ETS include: career exploration; work-based learning experiences; exploration of education and training programs for after high school; workplace readiness training to develop social and independent living skills; and self-advocacy.

Job Exploration Counseling
Explore career interests and foster motivation

Work-Based Learning Experiences
Use the workplace to gain knowledge and skills that connect school experiences to career opportunities

Counseling on Educational and Training Options
Learn about postsecondary education and training opportunities and resources

Workplace Readiness Training
Prepare for adult life by developing social and independent living skills

Instruction in Self Advocacy
Learn how to effectively communicate your needs and direct your life
Transition Services
DRS collaborates with the public and private sectors to provide and advocate for the highest quality services that empower youth with disabilities to maximize their employment, independence and full inclusion into society. If eligible for VR transition services, your DRS Counselor will work with you, your family, and your school to develop an employment plan. This plan will include steps to help you achieve employment that is meaningful to you and that leads to a successful career.
DARS Continuum of Transition Services - Fast Facts ■ (PEATC) Pre-Employment Transition Services Flyer

For more information please contact an office in your locality,
or call:
1-800-552-5019 (Voice)
1-800-464-9950 (TTY)